Our Specialists

Meet Our Specialists

Bringing together within one locale, medical specialists across a broad range of specialities to deliver the best possible health care solutions to the over 2,000 patients that visit UHMC each day.

Allergists & Pathologists

Prof. Tula Bowry
Dr. Priya Bowry

Contacts: 0725 645569 / 0716 956173 /
0738 412470 / info@theallergyclinic.co.ke

Suite: 1st Floor, 1C

Ambulatory (Day Care) Surgical Services 

UHMC Ambulatory Surgical Services Centre

Contacts: 0734 500253 / 0716 860336 daysurgery@uhmc.co.ke / uhmcdaysurgery@gmail.com

Suite: 2nd Floor


Dr. Charles Kabetu

Contacts: 020 2627156 / jvavu@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 4th Floor, 4D

Consultant General & Anti-Obesity Surgeon & Urologist

Mr. J.J. Thakkar

Contacts: 0734 484484 / info@laserstonesurgery.org 

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3B

Consultant Paediatrician & Allergy Specialist

Dr. Evelyn Ng’ang’a 

Contacts: 0757 204045 / info@allergy.co.ke 

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3D


Dr. S.S. Bansil
Ms. Maria Goes

Contacts: 0736 476002 / 020 2721576
020 2720147

Suite: 4th Floor, 4F

Diagnostic Services

The Aga Khan University Hospital Diagnostic Imaging Centre

Contacts: 0711 092574 / 0731 973824 / upperhill.reception@aku.edu

Suite: 1st Floor, 1B

The Nairobi Hospital Diagnostic Laboratory Services

Contacts: 0703 082000 / tnhlab@nbihosp.org 

Suite: 1st Floor, 1A

Dentists & Dental Surgeons

Dr. Adil Noorani

Contacts: 0725 526047 / 0732 690149 /
0789 265653 / mdsnairobi@gmail.com 

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3G

Dr. Doris N. Mbugua

Contacts: 020 2627156 / jvavu@uhmc.co.ke / drdoris4d@gmail.com 

Suite: 4th Floor, 4D

Dr. Islam Mahmood 

Contacts: 0725 526047 / 0732 690149 /
0789 265653 / mdsnairobi@gmail.com

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3A

Dr. Nasruddin A. Shire

Contacts: 0790 977055 / 0710 399374 / dubaidental97@gmail.com 

Suite: 4th Floor, 4B

Dr. (Mrs.) Nisha Sapra

Contacts: 0722 513561 / 0733 513561 / allsmiles@africaonline.co.ke

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3A

Dr. Veronica W. Wangari

Contacts: 0794 701410 / 0721 662199 / wangarivw@gmail.com 

Suite: 4th Floor, 4E


Dr. J. M. Maimba

Contacts: 0772 699753 / 0721 642988 /
0733 8208230 / drmaimbajohn@gmail.com

Suite: 5th Floor, 5A

Dr. S.S. Bansil (Dermatologist & Virologist)

Contacts: 0736 476002 / 020 2721576 /
020 2720147 / drbansil@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 4th Floor, 4F

Ear Nose & Throat (ENT)

Dr. Catherine lrungu

Dr. lrungu Ndirangu

Contacts: 0735 400095 / 0721 406654 / irungu@uhmc.co.ke / cirungu@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 5th Floor, 5E

Family Physician & Internal Medicine

Dr. Peter W. Kamau

Contacts: 020 2716627 / 020 2572534 /
0734 523337 / pwkamau@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 4th Floor, 4B

General & Laparoscopic Surgeons

Dr. Bagha Mohamed Suhayl 

Contacts: 0726 209576 / msyb07@gmail.com

Suite: 4th Floor, 4C

Dr. Bernard Ndung’u

Contacts: 0713 888203 / bmndungu@uhmc.co.ke 

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3H

Dr. Hamad llkul

Contacts: 0726 209576 / hamadilkul@yahoo.com 

Suite: 4th Floor, 4C

General Practitioner

Dr. Bob Kikwe


Suite: 1st Floor, 1E

Dr. Martin Waweru

Contacts: 0721514846

Suite: 1st Floor, 1E

Obstetricians & Gynaecologists

Dr. James Ngure

Contacts: 0735 698399

Suite: 4th Floor, 4A

Dr. Josphat Wangwe

Contacts: 0722 771121 / joewangwe@gmail.com

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3D

Dr. Lauryn Mengesa 

Contacts: 0720 592151 / hello@akiracare.ke

Suite: 4th Floor, 4G

Dr. M.D. Patel

Contacts: 020 2722777 / 020 2723756 / mdpatel@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 5th Floor, 5H

Dr. Margaret Kilonzo

Contacts: magkam311@gmail.com

Suite: 4th Floor, 4C

Dr. Nathan G. Thagana

Contacts: 020 2717858 / 0734 244169 / thagana@uhmc.co.ke 

Suite: 4th Floor, 4H

Dr. Paul M. Ngumbi

Contacts: 0735 698399 / ngumbidoc@yahoo.com

Suite: 4th Floor, 4A

Dr. Rosa N. Chemwey

Contacts: 0707 773370 / mamasmiracle533@gmail.com

Suite: 4th Floor, 4C

Dr. Sam Miyoro

Contacts: 020 2727211 / miyoro@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 5th Floor, 5F

Dr. Wanyoike Gichuhi

Contacts: 020 2430362 / 0714 370807 / drwanyoikeclinic2@gmail.com 

Suite: 4th Floor, 4E

Prof. Zahida Qureshi

Contacts: 0724 255295 / dr.qureshiclinic@yahoo.com

Suite: 5th Floor, 5H


Dr. Millicent Kariuki-Wanyoike

Contacts: 020 2430362 / 0714 370807 / drmillicenteyeclinic1@gmail.com 

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3E

Dr. Kibata Githeko
Dr. Muchai Gachago
Dr. Catherine Kareko
Dr. Margaret Njuguna

Contacts: 0714 617782 / 020 2713232 / 0736 329348 / appointments@cityeyehospital.or.ke

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3E


UHMC Optometrist & Designer Eyewear Shop (Ms. Moogi Alphonsinah) 

Contacts: 0795 614327 / eyecare@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 5th Floor, 5C

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon

Dr. Eric Kahugu

Contacts: 0737 520084 / 0723 916363 / 020 2711750 / tmc@uhmc.co.ke 

Suite: Ground Floor

Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeons

Prof. J.A.O. Mulimba

Contacts: 0703 823178 / josephatmulimba@yahoo.com 

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3F

Prof. T.K. Byakika

Contacts: 0722 798199 / 0724 039597 / dr.byakika@gmail.com

Suite: 5th Floor, 5G


Dr. Ali K. Montet

Contacts: 0719 657014 / 0733 657014 / akmontet@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3G

Dr. Gatheru Zipporah

Contacts: 020 2717858 / 0734 244169 / gatheru@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 4th Floor, 4H

Paediatricians & Chest Specialists & Pulmonologists

Dr. Anne lrungu

Contracts: 0735 400095 / 0721 406654 / anne.m.irungu@gmail.com

Suite: 5th Floor, 5E

Dr. Lucy Gachare

Contacts: 0722 640371 / paedchest@gmail.com

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3D

Paediatricians – Hurlingham Children’s Clinic

Prof. Fred Were
Prof. Elizabeth Obimbo
Dr. Ngwatu J. Peter
Dr. Bill Kigathi
Dr. Edel Karau
Dr. Brian Maugo
Dr. Caren Mburu

Contacts: 0722 207071 / 020 2712748 / hcc@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 1st Floor


UHMC Pharmacy

Tel: 0728 444104 / 020 2721586
Email: pharmacy@uhmc.co.ke / pharmacyuhmc2017@gmail.com

Suite: Ground Floor

Physicians & Diabetologists

Dr. Kimani Gicheru

Contacts: 0722 405403 / 020 2572561 / dr.kimanigicheru@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3H

Physician & Nephrologist (Kidney Medicine & Kidney Dialysis Specialist

Dr. Frank Mwongera

Contacts: 020 2718182 / 0721 488299 / nkidneycentre@uhmc.co.ke 

Suite: 1st Floor, 1E

Physicians (Internal medicine)

Dr. David Ndonye

Contacts: 0720 915621 / drndonyem@gmail.com

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3H

Dr. Frederick Wangai

Contacts: 0726 209576 / fkwangai@gmail.com

Suite: 4th Floor, 4C


UHMC Physiotherapy

Contacts: 0795 610545 /  physio@uhmc.co.ke / uhmcphysio@gmail.com

Suite: Ground Floor


Dr. Frank Njenga

Contacts: 020 2711596 / info@chiromohg.co.ke

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3C

Dr. Anna N. Nguithi

Contacts: 0113 799016 / drannanguithi@gmail.com

Suite: 4th Floor, 4B


Ms. Victoria Rika
Ms. Kathleen Muthoni
Ms. Vivian Okello
Mr. Brian Olela

Contacts: 0743 894164 / 0800 220000

Suite: 3rd Floor, 3C

Urologist & General Surgeon

Prof. Peter Mungai Ngugi

Contacts: 0771 007085 / nusl@uhmc.co.ke

Suite: 5th Floor, 5B

Dr. Maurice Wambani

Contacts: 0700 465690 / 0722 700282 / mauricewambani@yahoo.com 

Suite: 5th Floor, 5G

UHMC Departments

Advancing innovative, convenient and cost-effective care

Advanced Diagnostic Care

Our specialists are supported by diagnostic care provided by The Nairobi Hospital and the Aga Khan University Hospital